Developing a Computer Science Department

Alignment to Standards

We are currently working to align our curriculum with the CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards, which presents standards for teaching fundamental concepts in computing starting at a young age, and continuing onto advanced electives for older students.

In addition, we've drawn from the K-12 Computer Science Framework, especially in the development of our required high school course.

Finally, we are working to integrate the Teaching Tolerance Anti-Bias Framework more explicitly into all divisions of our curriculum, with a current focus on improving how we teach and encourage students to use computer science for justice and action.

High School CS Graduation Requirement

Experience and research shows that too many studentts are being left out of the opportubity to study computer science at a young age. While I believe that CS education should start young, in early childhood education as students are first forming their undersatnding of their skills and of school, high school computer science is often the ground on which this education is most attainable.

Along with the support of other department members and administrators, I recently created and passed a proposal for a computer science graduation requirement for all high school students. I post the materials here as they might prove useful for others working towards a similar goal.

Complete Proposal for a CS Requirement

CS Requirement Proposal

Frequently Asked Questions


Proposed Scope & Sequence Revisions
