Computer Science

Why I Teach Computer Science

There are many reasons why it is valuable for young people to be exposed to computer science early in their education. Here are the core beliefs that have shaped my development as a computer science teacher:


  • Computer science is the study of computers and algorithmic processes, including their principles, their hardware and software designs, their applications, and their impact on society.

  • Computer science is a core competency of a modern liberal arts education.

  • All students should be exposed to computer science as a part of their K12 education.


  • Computer science should not be taught in a silo, and should instead be a multidisplinary venture that draws upon what students are learning and producing in other subjects.

  • All students should have access to opportunities to pursue computer science as it interests them, regardless of identity or perceived skill.

  • Due to social, cultural, and historical factors related to the above point, special care must be paid to providing an equitable and inclusive computer science curriculum that is accessible to all students.


  • Studying computer science helps students develop the computational thinking skills that improve ability to solve problems in any domain.

  • Computer science provides a lens with which to understand our world and the increasing amounts of technology that influence it.

  • The skills students learn in computer science can be applied far beyond the computer science classroom, from later education, to projects on the job, to creative expression.

  • Computing and technology are the tools that are needed in an increasing amount of professions and career paths.

  • Studying computer science helps to give students the tools they need to solve the big, complex problems they will face in the future.